With news of WordPress’s second major update for 2022 set to arrive on May 24th, we wanted to provide you with a sneak peek at the upcoming changes and new features.

Easy Theme Style Switch

The latest WordPress release will allow users to easily change theme styles by simply clicking a button at the top right of the screen and then choosing from one of the styles available with your chosen theme.

New Blocks in Editor

WordPress continues to expand the functionality of its block editor with the addition of 5 new blocks for page editing. In version 6.0 you can expect to see the following options available:

  1. Read More
  3. Avatar
  4. Post Author Biography
  5. No Results In Query Loop

Improvements to the Block Editor

While the native WordPress block editor doesn’t yet rival the ease of development that other themes like Divi offer, they are continuously improving upon and expanding its functionality. WordPress 6.0 continues this trend and will include the following updates:

  • Text selection across multiple blocks made easier
  • Reusable blocks can now be locked
  • Row and Group Blocks to be responsive
  • Option to use featured image in Cover Block

Block Theme Exporter

Copying your theme to another site is made much easier now with the ability to export your theme with all of its preset styling.

Improved Accessibility Features

Never underestimate the importance of accessibility when it comes to optimizing your site. WordPress 6.0 realizes this, and has included the following features to improve site accessibility:

  • Read Descriptions for placeholder blocks
  • ALT text to be taken from the Post title if none is provided
  • Improved tabbing through placeholder content
  • Search announcement
  • Text labels in admin bar to be readable by screen readers

This is a brief overview of some of the more notable changes coming to WordPress 6.0, but if you want to get a sneak peek prior to its release day, you can download the Beta version today by downloading the WordPress Beta Tester plugin. The full release is expected by May 24, 2022.